Healthcare Superpower

Do you have a healthcare superpower? Can your medical device or digital solution become a superpower for a patient or HCP?

Thinking in terms of superpowers can help patients co-create the future of MedTech. This is one approach we have used in the think tank I mentioned in my last blog, the DHC. It is a way to discuss unmet needs. In conducting user-centered market research, this helps respondents clarify priorities and uncover unmet needs. It is also a lens for designers to think about empowering patients beyond simply addressing a specific medical issue.

Soon, we may be able to turn a previous weakness into a superpower. For example, someone who needs glasses in the future might have new abilities with a pair of smart glasses, from overlaying information on the world (i.e., augmented reality) to being able to enhance vision beyond the current human abilities. There has been development in the area of a smart contact lens that could diagnose and treat diabetes.

As researchers and designers, we might also consider what our superpowers are. As we kick off another year with the DHC, we did a fun exercise to introduce ourselves as a superhero. I used Heroized to create my superhero.

Take time to consider:

  • What are your superpowers?  What kind of superhero you want to be?
  • What superpower does your device or digital solution give patients?